IMDM 498I Special Topics in Immersive Media (Spring 2025)


Introduction to Motion Capture:

Marker-Based and Markerless Techniques and Applications

Many aspects including the structure of this class and syllabus was inspired/ adopted/ adapted from Prof. Jordan Boyd-Graber’s NLP CMSC 470 course.

Class Location: IRB 0110 (IMD Lab)
Schedule: Thursdays, 3:30pm – 6:00pm EST
Office Hours: IRB 0110 / Online: By appointment
Course Credit: 3 Hours class, 1 day a week (3 Credits)

Course Syllabus Page:

Please see the syllabus page for full detailed syllabus and course policies.

General (UMD) Policies and Resources for Undergraduate Students

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DateMain ConceptsTopics
Week 1FundamentalsCourse Overview/ Logistics
Mocap Applications
Prereq. Review (Math)
Setup Software/ Environment
Prereq. Continued (Unity)
Week 2IntroIntro to Mocap: Maker-based and Marker-less (Visual, IMU, MM etc.)
Hands on Vicon and Captury Demo
Week 3Marker-based Mocap
(Vicon Shogun and Nexus)
Camera concepts
Rigid Objects
Deformable Objects
Existing Models
Week 4Human Body Structure
Marker Placement
Kinematic Model
New Subject/ Object Creation
Week 5Data Collection and Tracking
Time Sync and Reference Camera
Data Processing and Refinement
(Reconstruction, Fine Tuning, and Exporting)
Week 6Marker-less Mocap
(Captury and MediaPipe)
Setup and Calibration
Data Collection
Week 7Brainstorming, Storyboarding, Low, Mid, and High Fidelity Prototyping
Class Project Ideation and Team Formation
Week 8Animation
(Blender and Unity)
Principles of Animation
Green Screening
Character Animation (Rigging, Forward Kinematics, Inverse Kinematics)
Week 9Streaming and Retargeting
Fine Tuning
Week 10Interaction
(Unity and Sensing)
Sensors, Unity Sensing, User Input
Unity Physics and Collision
Week 11<< Project Milestone Presentation and Peer Evaluations >>
Assets and Animator
Week 12Animation Scripting
Animation Scripting Hands On
Week 13ApplicationBeyond lab recorded data — Other alternative techs
Current state of the art
Strengths and limitations
Working sessions
Week 14Working sessions
Working sessions
Week 15<< Final Project Demo and Evaluation >>