We invite you to participate in natural interaction research at the University of Maryland. This is a one of kind large study looking at how humans across the world follow instructions, interact with the physical world, demonstrate, and communicate naturally both verbally and non-verbally. You are eligible for this study if you are 18 years or older. You will need to be present in a robotics lab (PRG ARC lab) at the UMD, College Park campus. The sessions may last anywhere from 1 hour up to 1.5 hours and will be recorded. You will be compensated for a minimum of $10 for the first hour and an additional $5 for every 30 minutes after the first hour for each session. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact the principal investigator (PI) Snehesh Shrestha at snehesh@umd.edu or Eadom Dessalene at edessale@umd.edu. Click sign up to participate.
Location of the study will be in the PRG ARC lab